
on Going Back to the Future: MAGA 2024 is Officially in Full Effect

Trump is back and the media shit show has officially commenced. Sure, he’s a fucking clown. But clowns are funny! So just sit back and enjoy the show.

Here’s a piece I wrote during his last presidency. While out to dinner, my friends and I try to figure out the craziness of the world we live in…while also trying to order food. The staff is short and so is our patience.

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Christian Rangel
on Art

Those climate-change activist shitbags are doing it all wrong. You’re not supposed to ruin art. You’re supposed to fake-appreciate it.

Yes, climate change is very much happening, but just accept that we will never do a damn thing about it. So stop rubbing Spaghetti-O’s on the Mona Lisa thinking you’re making a fucking difference.

Instead, start learning how to fake an appreciation of the fine arts. Sew your way into the artsy crowd and reap the benefits. Here, a fool-proof guide.

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Christian Rangel
on the Blank Page: My Writing Process, Basically

Yes, I take Augusts off every year. It’s a self-imposed exile from the blank page. This blog is therapeutic, so the last thing I want is for this to feel like fucking homework.

So even though I take a break each year, I’m still writing, asshole. I would never forget about you. You complete me.

Speaking of writing, here’s a little breakdown of my writing process.

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Christian Rangel
on Health: I'm Going to Get So Incredibly Ripped This Summer

Working in the industry is really taxing on your body. During the week, you can meal-plan and lift weights as much as you want, but come that first shift at the bar, your efforts become all but fruitless. You eat whatever you can get your hands on. Countless FREE beers, shots, and Claws with regulars and your brothers in arms. Your sleep schedule? FUBAR.

Now that my bar has closed, it’s time I regain control of my health. After careful planning and strategy, I’ve developed a fool-proof plan that will get me absolutely fucking ripped by summer’s end. And because I’m such a nice guy, I’m going to share my routine with you.

Here are some tips that you’ll actually be able to follow. The best part? You can still drink while on my nutrition plan.

Disclaimer: I am not a physician and these tips will not actually help you get healthier.

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Christian Rangel
on 1-Star Reviews

I spend WAY TOO MUCH TIME Googling “1-star reviews.” But there is, I believe, a special subset of 1-star reviews out there. Think about it: which industry has the most hilarious 1-star reviews?

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Christian Rangel
on Resourcefulness

There’s a great scene in Half Baked where Dave Chappelle’s character goes on a date with $8 to his name. He is really into this gorgeous woman who he feels is way out of his league. But he goes on the date and it goes so incredibly well, he even impresses himself.

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Christian Rangel