
on Ridiculous Beauty Standards

I am no longer on dating apps like Tinder or Bumble. It was a destructive obsession of mine for years as I traveled the states livin’ that VanLife. Not a good look. Very unhealthy state of mind. You lose a certain respect for people, in this case it was women, when you are basing everything off of a profile picture.

Not to mention I am sick of the unattainable beauty standards society has forced upon us. But not, like, women’s beauty. Not, like, Cosmo or Vogue women’s stuff. None of that. I mean men’s beauty. You know? Why do you think I went keto in the first place? I was embarrassed of my belly and knew full-body shots on my Tinder profile were necessary for some success. But after a couple years of yo-yo dieting, I have come to a single realization: Rather than work on my love handles and, say, develop a proper skincare routine, how about you try and lower those standards, babe. Sorry, sweetheart, we can’t all be 6 feet tall with washboard abs and bulging pecks. Chiseled jawline? Not over here, hun. This is the real world, lady. I have a double chin and will forever have a beard to conceal it. Except my beard is free and your makeup isn’t. I definitely respect women, though! Swipe right pls

@kristellez talks about his experience on Tinder.

Christian Rangel