
on Video Games

I’ve been known to throw down in an arcade bar from time to time, but it’s usually something like NBA Jam or Pac-Man or some shit. I haven’t played video games in probably five or six years. I don’t currently own a console.

When I did play video games, ya boy would stay up until 3 or 4 in the morning consistently. I’d show up to work groggy and yawning, counting down the hours until I could leave early to jet home and fire up GTA. I’d miss deadlines because I was hooked on The Division. My roommates and I spent countless nights playing Call of Duty over copious amounts of Miller Lite and D’Agostino’s well-done pies.

Sometimes I think of getting a console to play with friends, but I don’t trust myself around them. My buddies play together online and will use that time to catch up with each other. I’m usually the last one to know of any updates in their lives since I’ve relegated myself to phone calls and group texts. There is a temptation to cop a console, but I have no self-control when they’re around so I avoid them like the plague. Booze and drugs are still 100% on the table though.

@xdannyxbrownx shares his thoughts on video games.

Christian Rangel