
on Drinking Too Much: DUIs

Do I have a DUI? Nope.

Should I? I suppose that’s up to God.

You see, back around 2015, I was out of work prospects. The company I started was fizzling out of clients. We were mixed in with a group of investors that didn’t have the best image in the startup scene. Everything was going to hell and I desperately needed income. So I took a gig with a startup, helping them train staff at nightclub events. The job was me flying out to a couple different cities every weekend and going to clubs. I would meet staff there and train them on how to promote the brand, then kick back and watch from a distance to see how they were doing. Inevitably, the bar staff would offer me a free drink or two while I was there. At first, I was like, “Ehh, I don’t know about that.” That quickly changed and eventually I thought it was rude to say no.

Now I’m not really sure about this, but I have this theory that degenerates can sniff out other degenerates quite easily. My only evidence of this is that in most of the cities I visited, in most of these nightclubs, these bartenders somehow knew I’d say yes to any nostrum offered. And so I’d ingest all sorts of shit, drink whatever was offered, become incredibly cheery and lighthearted, send the staff home happy, and drive a rented vehicle back to my hotel. Now it wasn’t every morning, but there were definitely a few where I woke up just as David Drake has.

David Drake shares an honest truth that most people don’t acknowledge.

Christian Rangel