
on 4/20

I don’t smoke anymore, but I do miss sparking one with the homies. 2016 was the peak of my run with cannabis. Vince, Brian and I had friends over just about every day. A true frat house vibe from by three guys who never joined one. We’d smoke and listen to The Life of Pablo. We did that every day for like two or three months. Brian fucking HATED us. Ultralight Beams is a great song, but being forced to listen to it every night on the Sonos sound bar, knowing damn-well that the 3-4 guests were about to take over your living room for a couple hours would drive anyone mad.

I used to be able to smoke and then read or write or draw. Even went to work stoned and could still be coherent. Then at some point I would smoke and proceed to drool on myself. I’m not sure what triggered that. Eventually, I couldn’t do much while high. Just became a lazy piece of shit. I stopped smoking in 2017 and haven’t really looked back.

One thing I’ve always known, and any stoner will concur, is that 4/20 is just another regular-ass day. Whether or not you “celebrate” it, happy smoking.

Christian Rangel